Mobile and Computer Devices on health

The Effect of Mobile and Computer Devices on Human Health

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In today’s digital age, the use of mobile and computer devices has become an integral part of our daily lives. From work to entertainment, these devices have made our lives easier and more convenient. However, prolonged use of these devices can have negative effects on our health. This article will explore the effects of mobile and computer devices on human health and ways to reduce their negative impact.

Overview of the Problem

Prolonged use of mobile and computer devices can have negative effects on human health, including eyesight, mental health, and physical health.

The Effect of Mobile and Computer Devices on Eyesight

Long-term Use of Mobile and Computer Devices: Long-term use of mobile and computer devices can cause eye strain, leading to blurred vision, dry eyes, and headaches.

Common Eye Problems Associated with Mobile and Computer Devices: Common eye problems associated with mobile and computer devices include digital eye strain, myopia, and age-related macular degeneration.

The Effect of Mobile and Computer Devices on Mental Health

Increased Stress and Anxiety: The use of mobile and computer devices can increase stress and anxiety, leading to decreased productivity and an overall negative impact on mental health.

Risk of Depression: The overuse of mobile and computer devices can also lead to depression, especially in young people who spend more time on social media.

The Effect of Mobile and Computer Devices on Physical Health

Neck and Back Pain: Prolonged use of mobile and computer devices can lead to neck and back pain due to poor posture and hunching over the devices.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The repetitive use of mobile and computer devices can also cause carpal tunnel syndrome, leading to pain and numbness in the hand and wrist.

Ways to Reduce the Negative Effects of Mobile and Computer Devices

Take Regular Breaks: Taking regular breaks from mobile and computer devices can reduce the risk of eye strain, neck, and back pain. Users should take a break every 20 minutes and focus on a distant object for 20 seconds.

Use Eye Protection: Using blue light filters and wearing anti-glare glasses can reduce the risk of eye strain and other eye problems associated with mobile and computer devices.

Practice Good Posture: Practicing good posture while using mobile and computer devices can reduce the risk of neck and back pain. Users should sit with their back straight and shoulders relaxed.


In conclusion, prolonged use of mobile and computer devices can have negative effects on human health, including eyesight, mental health, and physical health. However, there are ways to reduce the negative impact, such as taking regular breaks, using eye protection, and practicing good posture. By implementing these strategies, users can enjoy the benefits of mobile and computer devices without compromising their health.

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